Árið 1897 stofnaði Clinton C. Filson fatamerki undir eigin nafni og hóf framleiðslu á fatnaði og ullarteppum fyrir gullgrafarana í Klondike. Hann byggði orðspor sitt á heiðarleika og sætti sig ekki við neitt annað en það besta þegar kom að Filson klæðnaði. Í yfir 120 ár hafa Filson flíkurnar verndað iðnaðar- og ævintýramenn fyrir náttúruöflunum og eru hvað þekktust fyrir þægindi og endingu.
Í frá 1914 má lesa eftirfarandi texta:
“TIL VIÐSKIPTAVINA OKKAR: haldi maður norður skal hann fyrst leita til okkar eftir fatnaði. Af samansöfnuðum reynslusögum fjölmargra norðanmanna höfum við gert okkur grein fyrir því hvers lags fatnaður henti best þar á slóðum. Fötin eru gerð úr bestu fáanlegu efnum því fyrir okkur er hið besta ekki of gott og gæðin skipta okkur öllu. ÞÉR GETIÐ TREYST Á GÆÐI FATAEFNA OKKAR JAFNT SEM HANDBRAGÐIÐ.
Þessi klassíski í nýjum lit. The Filson Short Lined Cruiser is made with Tin Cloth, our signature waxed cotton that outperforms and outlasts the competition. This exceptional fabric has protected...
Klassískur mittisjakki frá Filson. Ef þú vilt harðgerðar flík sem endist og endist þá ættirðu að kíkja á þennan. Fullkominn hversdags- eða vinnujakki fyrir vindasamt, kalt og blautt veður. Vaxborið...
Our signature waxed canvas Tin Cloth has earned its reputation for toughness and durability over the past century. These Dry Tin 5-Pocket Pants are made with an unwaxed, more breathable...
Our dry finish Tin Cloth Cruiser provides the same protection from wind, abrasion, and brambles as our original. It’s designed for drier conditions, with increased breathability compared to the waxed...
Filson Skyrta - Our Beartooth Jac-Shirt is a thick overshirt with multi-season versatility. The blanket-weight cotton works well as an outer layer on cool days and can be worn under a...
Filson Skyrta - The Lightweight Alaskan Guide Shirt is a workhorse made for three-season comfort, durability and performance in the field, on the job or just kicking around the ranch....
Filson Snyrtitaska - Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. Our Tin Cloth Travel Kit...
Þessi klassíski í nýjum lit. The Filson Short Lined Cruiser is made with Tin Cloth, our signature waxed cotton that outperforms and outlasts the competition. This exceptional fabric has protected...
Our Decatur Island Wool Jacket combines the timeless lines of a classic cardigan with the durability of woven wool. The midweight fabric is highly breathable and insulates dry or wet....
Our Field Flannel Shirt is a dependable classic. The durable midweight brushed cotton is as strong as it is soft, for years of versatile wear in the field, on...
Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. Whether for a round of sporting...
Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. This waxed-canvas duffle is a lighter-weight bag...
Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. Our Tin Cloth Travel Kit is a lighter-weight dopp...
Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. Whether as a gym bag or for a weekend...
Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. Our Tin Cloth Travel Kit is a lighter-weight dopp...
Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. Whether as a gym bag or for a weekend...
Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. This waxed-canvas duffle is a lighter-weight bag...
Our Harvester Cap takes its design cues from vintage sportsman’s caps from the 1970s, featuring a five-panel crown with a slightly angular shape. Like classic farmer and trucker caps, the...