Barbour vörumerkið kom fyrst fram á sjónarsviðið á ofanverðri 19.öld með John Barbour sem vann þá fyrir sér sem vefnaðarvörukaupmaður. Barbour útvegaði sjómönnum og öðrum útivinnandi verkamönnum ólíuborna galla til að verja þá votviðrinu sem herjað gat á þá. Við upphaf 20.aldar voru hinir endingargóðu, olíubornu og gljáðu Barbour vaxjakkar orðnir alþekktir. Í dag eru þessir sígildu, vaxbornu Barbour jakkar ennþá handunnir í verksmiðju Barbour í Simonside. Arfleiðin og heimsþekkt vörumerkið hefur gert Barbour kleift að hanna allar gerðir fatnaðar fyrir ákveðin lífstíl sem er þó ávallt trúr sinni upprunalegu gerð.
Glæsilegur hattur frá Barbour. Frá framleiðanda:Bring a carefree, bohemian look to any summer outfit with the Barbour Flowerdale trilby hat. Boasting a woven crochet-like pattern and an unstructured brim for...
A superior choice when it comes to accessorising, the Barbour Tack fedora remains true to the hat’s traditional shape and style. This design comes in 100% wool with a classic...
Fötuhattur úr vaxbornnu bómullarefni. The Wax Sports Hat is a traditional bucket-style hat made with classic Barbour wax cotton outer and cotton tartan lining, available in six country colours from...
Reffilegur bómullarhattur frá Barbour. With its timeless yet modern appeal, this high-quality Stetson Chino Twill is easy to combine with a variety of outfits. 100% cotton offers a soft, cozy...
A superior choice when it comes to accessorising, the Barbour Tack fedora remains true to the hat's traditional shape and style. This design comes in 100% wool with a classic...
Bring a carefree, bohemian look to any summer outfit with the Barbour Flowerdale trilby hat. Boasting a woven crochet-like pattern and an unstructured brim for a laid back feel, the...
Bring a carefree, bohemian look to any summer outfit with the Barbour Flowerdale trilby hat. Boasting a woven crochet-like pattern and an unstructured brim for a laid back feel, the...
Fötuhattur úr vaxbornnu bómullarefni. The Wax Sports Hat is a traditional bucket-style hat made with classic Barbour wax cotton outer and cotton tartan lining, available in six country colours from...